How we work out your Housing Benefit

What is considered when you make a claim for Housing Benefit.

Who is classed as a non-dependant

A non-dependant is a person over 18 years of age that normally lives with the claimant, other than:

  • a partner
  • dependant child
  • joint tenant or a sub-tenant

We make a weekly deduction for each non-dependant. The amount taken off depends on their income and circumstances.

Find out how much will be deducted

You must let us know if there's a change of your non-dependants by reporting a change of circumstances.

When deductions do not apply

We will not make a deduction if you or your partner:

  • is registered blind
  • gets Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance (care component), Personal Independence Payment (daily living component) or an Armed Forces Independence Payment

We will not make a deduction if the non-dependant:

  • is under 18
  • is in prison
  • normally lives elsewhere
  • is a full-time student
  • gets Pension Credit
  • is aged under 25 and gets Income Support or income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • is aged 25 and gets assessment phase income-related Employment Support Allowance

There may be other cases where a deduction won't be applied.

People who are State Pension age

If you or your partner are aged 66 or over, non-dependant deductions can be delayed for 26 weeks if a non-dependant:

  • moves in with you
  • who lives with you has a change in circumstances which leads to larger reduction

The 26 week delay does not apply if:

  • a dependant who lives with you becomes a non-dependant
  • a non-dependant is no longer a student

Contact the Benefit Team