UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Improvements to Town Centres & High Streets

City centres and high street retail centres serve as crucial economic and cultural hubs across the country, attracting residents, workers and visitors alike. However, the pandemic, working and buying habits and ongoing cost of living pressures have significantly impacted these areas,  leading to reduced footfall, business closures, job losses and a decline in overall economic activity. 

We recognise the need to support our high streets in this challenging economic context, by providing businesses and organisations with the confidence to invest in high street property again.

Following the successful roll out of similar schemes across the former district council areas, we are now creating a scheme across Cumberland.

This High Street Building Grant Scheme will have two separate priorities:
•    Priority A will focus on supporting landlords and new or existing businesses taking up an empty property.  Giving grants of up to 50% of the costs (max £35,000) of  eligible works to improve the property.
•    Priority B will focus on support to landlords and new or existing businesses requiring funding to do facelift works to their properties.  Grants of 50% of the costs (max £5,000) can be applied for. 

Funding will be available to landlords and businesses within the centre boundaries of  Aspatria, Brampton, Carlisle, Cleator Moor , Cockermouth, Egremont, Keswick,  Longtown, Maryport, Millom, Silloth, Whitehaven, Wigton and Workington. 

This is a discretionary grant for businesses that can demonstrate that they contribute to the vitality of the high street. Grants will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Please click on the following links to download the documents:

Grant Application Form (Word Document, 74.7KB)
Guidance to Applicants (PDF, 148KB)
Guidance to Applicants Appendix 1 - Priority A Grant Funding Agreement (PDF, 195KB)
Guidance to Applicants Appendix 2 – Priority B Terms and Conditions (PDF, 109KB)
Acknowledging Your Grant Guidance (PDF, 166KB)
Boundary map for Aspatria (PDF, 113KB)
Boundary map for Brampton (PDF, 99KB)
Boundary map for Carlisle (PDF, 426KB)
Boundary map for Cleator Moor (PDF, 105KB)
Boundary map for Cockermouth (PDF, 239KB)
Boundary Map for Dalston (PDF, 44KB)
Boundary map for Egremont (PDF, 126KB)
Boundary map for Keswick (PDF, 161KB)
Boundary map for Longtown (PDF, 60KB)
Boundary map for Maryport (PDF, 207KB)
Boundary map for Millom (PDF, 153KB)
Boundary map for Silloth (PDF, 93KB)
Boundary map for Whitehaven (PDF, 289KB)
Boundary map for Wigton (PDF, 111KB)
Boundary map for Workington (PDF, 340KB)