Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner budget

Information on where the money for the Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner comes from and where it is spent.

Where your money goes

Source 2023/2024, £m 2024/15, £m
Police pay and allowances 97.665 108.222
Support staff pay and allowances 31.229 33.386
Other employee costs 3.635 2.847
Premises costs 6.316 6.002
Transport costs 2.911 3.157
Commissioned services 3.245 3.274
Supplies & services 15.728 17.396
Capital financing charges 1.791 1.097
Direct revenue contribution to capital 3.222 2.136
Contribution to reserves 0.046 0.046
Gross expenditure 165.788 177.563
Less fees and charges (5.818) (5.391)
Other grants (29.227) (33.983)
Contribution from reserves (5.786) (5.420)
Total net expenditure 124.957 132.769

Where the money comes from

Source 2023/224, £m 2024/25, £m
Home Office Formula Funding (72.875) (77.191)
Redistributed council tax (surplus)/deficit 0.219 0.079
Council tax requirement 52.301 55.657


Explanation of budget movement 2023/24 to 2024/25 £m
Gross expenditure 2023/24 165.788
Increase in the cost of providing services 12.832
Reduction in capital expenditure financed from revenue contributions and reserves (1.086)
Increase in commissioned services 0.029
Gross expenditure 2024/25 177.563


Explanation of council tax requirement £m
Council tax requirement, 2023/24 52.301
Changes in gross expenditure 11.775
Reduction in income receivable and specific grants (4.329)
Increase in contribution from reserves 0.366
Increase in general grant funding (4.316)
Increase in redistributed council tax deficit (0.140)
Council tax requirement 2024/25 55.657

Council Tax precept by billing authority 2024 to 2025

Authority £m
Cumberland Council 27.894
Westmorland and Furness Council 27.763
Total 55.657