Empty homes

Owners of long term empty homes are subject to Premium Council Tax rate.

If you are an owner of an empty home

If you are an owner of an empty home it will cost you money.

You still need to pay Council Tax on the property, plus insurance, maintenance costs and money for repairs.

Premium Council Tax rate

Homes that are empty for one year or more are subject to Premium Council Tax rate:

  • a property that has been empty for one to five years will be liable to an additional premium of 100 percent (double usual rate)
  • a property that has been empty for five years to ten years will be liable to an additional premium of 200 percent (triple rate)
  • properties empty for ten or more years face an additional premium of 300 percent (quadruple usual rate), which stays in place until the premises are reoccupied

Empty properties and second homes.

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Why you're going to a different website

As a new council we are in the process of adding information to this website. To give you the information you need some pages will link back to the old council websites.

About the council changes