Following an incident in Hugh Street in Whitehaven yesterday (31 December), emergency services remain on site.
Displaced residents have either been accommodated with family/friends or have been supported by Cumberland Council to find alternative accommodation.
The council, with the support of Cumbria Police, is in the process of contacting affected residents.
Anyone else affected by the incident that needs emergency housing support is advised to contact the council’s out of hours Copeland homelessness team at 0300 373 3730 or email housing.options@cumberland.gov.uk
Council offices are back open tomorrow (Thursday 2 January) including the Market Hall in Whitehaven.
Work is ongoing, including work to make the area safe.
A cordon will remain in place whilst this work, as well as the investigation into the cause, continues.
People are asked to avoid the area whilst emergency services personnel carry out their work at the scene.
A number of animals have also been rescued by Police. Please contact the Police Control Room to arrange repatriation, quoting incident 134 of today.
You can contact online at ////www.cumbria.police.uk/reportit quoting the above incident number or you can also phone on 101.