Available parking
- General use: 115
Charges per minute and hour:
- up to 30 minutes costs £1
- up to 1 hour costs £1.50
- up to 2 hours costs £3
- up to 4 hours costs £4.80
- up to 6 hours costs £5
- up to 12 hours costs £5.50
Overnight charge between 7pm to 7am the following day costs £1.10
Parking permits
You can buy a Cockermouth parking permit for long stay car parks for the payment periods:
- 1 month
- 3 months
- 6 months
- 12 months
How to apply for a parking permit
Discounted permits
If you are on a low income you can apply for a worker permit for the town you work in.
Payment periods:
- 12 month discounted permit for £70
- 6 month discounted permit for £35
How to apply for a worker permit
Payment options
You can pay by:
- cash
- contactless
- card
- using your mobile using the location number: 712225
If you need help paying by phone you can either call MiPermit or visit their website.
Telephone: 0345 520 7007
Website: MiPermit website
Memorial Gardens Car Park
CA13 0HR
United Kingdom
Opening times
Open Monday to Sunday.