Overview and scrutiny

The overview and scrutiny committee holds the Executive accountable for decisions made and is key in the policy development process.

Scrutiny is a process to make sure that decisions taken by the council reflect the needs and priorities of communities in Cumberland. Scrutiny is carried out by councillors who understand and promote the concerns of the people who elected them, connecting decision makers to communities.

Council decisions can made by:

  • council officers
  • Council’s ‘Executive’ (the political leadership)
  • Full Council (all councillors).

Scrutiny Committees are made up of non-executive councillors who work together, across political parties, to understand why decisions are made and how the council is performing to deliver the best possible outcomes for Cumberland and its people.

Scrutiny Committees do not have decision making powers; their role is to challenge and make recommendations that influence decision makers.

Cumberland Council has five Scrutiny Committees, each focussing on different areas of council responsibility:

  • Business and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • LEP Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Scrutiny meetings are public meetings. Meeting dates, agendas, papers and minutes are published online.

Cumberland Council Scrutiny meetings.