In some circumstances, a councillor is allowed to take part in council business even if they have a financial interest in it. These are set out in our Register of Dispensations from Section 31(4) of the Localism Act 2011.
Councillor | Dispensation | Date granted | Period |
All current Shadow Authority members. | Shadow Authority members have a DPI in relation to the preparation and adoption of a scheme for payment of allowances to members and therefore a dispensation will be provided for all members to the 31st March 2023 for matters relating to the formulation of proposals for the scheme of members’ allowances to be adopted by Cumberland Council and the preparation and adoption of a scheme for the payment of allowances to its members. | 17 May 2022. Granted by the Monitoring Officer in accordance with the constitution. | To 31 March 2023. |
All Members of the Cumberland Shadow Authority. | Due to the uncertainty of whether members who receive allowances from sovereign authorities have a DPI, a dispensation will be provided for all members for matters relating to the sovereign council of which the Shadow Authority member is also an elected member. | 05 July 2022. Granted by the Monitoring Officer in accordance with the constitution. | To 31 March 2023. |