Schemes of delegation

These detail how certain powers and functions are delegated by the Leader of the Council and chief officers.

In the Cumberland Council Constitution, the Leader and full Council delegate certain powers and functions to the Chief Executive and chief officers.

The responsibility for the exercise of non-executive functions rests with Council and is delegated to its committees and to officers of the Council. 

Likewise, responsibility for the exercise of executive functions rests with the Leader and these powers are delegated in accordance with the Leader’s scheme of delegation.

Except for those matters that are delegated to a specific officer due to their statutory role or designation, the approach of the Officer Schemes of Delegation is to delegate all matters that have not been reserved to Council, Leader and executive or a committee to the appropriate chief officer.

Each chief officer must then develop and maintain their own local scheme of sub-delegation which will be published on the Council’s website and sets out how powers are delegated at the appropriate level.

This is the Local Scheme of Delegation to officers. It describes how each chief officer has delegated these powers and functions to officers in their Directorate to exercise on their behalf.

Documents on the scheme of delegation