Climate change and natural environment

Our commitment to tackling climate change and protecting and enhancing biodiversity.

Draft Climate and Nature Strategy

We are developing our first Climate and Nature Strategy for adoption by Executive.

Draft strategy and draft Carbon and Energy Management Plan:

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Cumbria Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS)

Cumbria is one of 48 strategy areas that are required by the Environment Act to develop a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for their area by March 2025.

The Cumbria LNRS will outline our county’s priorities for nature recovery and identify key locations that could contribute to achieving these priorities. Westmorland and Furness Council are the responsible authority for the Cumbria LNRS with the following as supporting authorities:

  • Cumberland Council
  • Lake District National Park Authority
  • Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
  • Natural England

There are also many other organisations involved in the development of the LNRS such as:

  • Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
  • Forestry Commission
  • Environment Agency
  • Cumbria Wildlife Trust
  • many more non-governmental organisations and individuals

Find out what an LNRS is and to get involved in the development process by visiting the Cumbria LNRS website.