Food complaints

We will carry out an inspection if we receive a complaint about a business which is allegedly not complying with food hygiene regulations.

Sometimes things go wrong and food that is sold is not acceptable to the customer.

Where there is a potential public health risk, our food and safety team will investigate your complaint.

Your complaint may be about:

  • Unfit or grossly contaminated food
  • Foods containing foreign bodies eg. metal, glass
  • Hygiene standards at a food premises
  • Foods which may have caused food poisoning
  • Foods which have passed their 'use by' date.

In cases where your food hygiene complaint is not a public health risk, you may be able to resolve it by contacting the owner of the food business yourself and discussing the complaint with them.

They may offer you a refund and/or carry out their own internal investigation.

We will also help carry out investigations into possible food poisoning incidents.

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As a new council we are in the process of adding information to this website. To give you the information you need some pages will link back to the old council websites.

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