Contact details

How to contact the council over the phone, online or face to face.

Complete our online form, we'll get your message straight away.

Contact us

This website has lots of information about all our services, you can search for the information you need. You can pay and apply for things, or report issues online.

Call us

If you can't use the contact form, or find what you need online call us on: 0300 373 3730

Our lines are open Monday to Friday.

We are closed on bank holidays.

Emergency out of hours

For emergencies outside our normal working hours call: 0300 373 3730

How to get in touch

Website -

Telephone - 0300 373 3730

Facebook @CumberlandCouncil1

Twitter @CumberlandCouncil

Instagram @cumberlandcouncil1

In person - You will still be able to access all your services from the same locations

Freedom of information and complaints

You can make a Freedom of Information request to Cumberland Council.

There is also more information on this website if you wished to make a complaint.

Media enquiries

If you are a member of the media and wish to contact the communications team then do so at .