Report a problem with a street or road

Report problems with potholes, road damage, flooding and drainage, traffic lights, street lights, pedestrian crossings, trees, vegetation, bollards, manhole covers and more.

Trees, hedges, weeds and grass

Report a problem

Trees, hedges and weeds

You can report a problem with trees, hedges and weeds by the side of the road or street. For example:

  • overgrown trees, weeds and hedges
  • dead, broken or diseased trees and hedges
  • tree roots causing structural problems 

We will then check whether the problem is on land that we manage. If it is not, we will then contact the adjacent landowner. We will remind them of their obligation under the Highways Act to cut back and remove any dangers or obstructions. 

Grass verges

We maintain and cut a large number of roadside grass verges across Cumbria. We cut grass verges over the summer to make sure that:

  • people can use roads and streets safely
  • saplings and woody weeds do not grow too large, protecting roads, drains and other structures from being damaged
  • biodiversity is maintained

We also work with Cumbria Wildlife Trust to make sure we manage verges in an environmentally friendly way. This can mean that one section of verge is cut at one time of year whilst another nearby section is left until later in the year.

Caring for Cumbria's roadside verges (PDF 5MB)